I have been intrigued by the power of plants for a long time, always opting for the alternative route before having to bother the Doctor, something that I think I heard growing up, Mum, Granny, would always say no I'm not wasting the Doctors time, think there was some stubbornness in there too!, but then was there?
Plants have many therapeutic benefits, they can be Anti-Emetic, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Coagulant, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Pyretic and so much more, we can get so much from barks, herbs and spices, we just need to know what we are doing, and that is not including the nutritional side of things, fresh produce is our power houses, and proper nutrition can in fact help if not eradicate some health problems.
Keeping plants in the house has huge benefits for our mood and our health, as they help to eliminate toxins from the air, purifying it, they can also improve your concentration and your productivity. If you are lucky enough to be green fingered they will be beautiful to look at and help create a calming atmosphere. It also brings the outdoors, indoors in these difficult times, and if they are flowering plants, the pop of colour, the delicate petals, is just something beautiful to capture.
Gardening is a huge pass time in the UK, and a great cardio work out and way to keep fit, it gets you out in the fresh air, you can select your plants for a purpose, to eat, cooking, baking with, for their scent, easy maintenance, high maintenance, colour, flower, height, fruit, birds, wildlife, for creating your beauty products and so much more, they bring us so much joy.
The plant that has captured me over the past few years as I have been researching and studying is the Cannabis Plant, who some still class as a drug which is such a shame. I have studied many plants, but none compare in my eyes to this plant as it works with your Endocannabinoid System, your ECS.
People that use the Cannabis Plant for drug recreation are using the family of plant which is low in CBD and high in THC, what we call Marajuana.
Revitalize use the family of plant which is high in CBD goodness and low in THC, then they extract the goodness from the Cannabis Plant using the C02 Extraction Method, and eliminate the THC for UK Standards, so you do not get high from CBD Oil and why people should not be scared of it if they use a reputable company like Revitalize, all CBD Oil will do is get you healthy.
Cannabinoids like CBD help to achieve and support a balance within our bodies, this is called homeostatis, you will even be eating foods without thinking that contain Cannabinoids, like the simple carrot or broccoli you eat contain cannabinoids, the black pepper you sprinkle on your food contain cannabinoids, the ginseng supplement you take contains cannabinoids, even your Echinacea herbal tea has cannabinoids in it.
So what do cannabinoids do or how can they help me? Are great questions...
Taking a daily dose of CBD will help maintain healthy receptors and an effective Endocannabinoid System.
What is an endocannabinoid system and why is it important to maintain it?
Our Endocannabinoid System, was only discovered around 40-50 years ago and it has been found to be responsible for maintaining all of these:
Cardiovascular Function
Digestive Function
Immune Function
Memory & Learning Metabolism
Neural Development
Neuro Protection Pain
Reproduction Sleep
Temperature Revitalize CBD Oil, does not get you high, it does not make you lose control, it does not cause hallucinations, it will however help you get or keep healthy, help you relax, help you with sleep and pain and more.
CBD has been linked to having the following therapeutic benefits and many more studies are being done as we learn about this wonderful plant and its many uses.
Analgesic (pain relief)
Anti-Angiogenic (helps to destroy blood vessels that feed tumours)
Anti-Emetic (Anti-sickness)
Anti-Proliferated (Stops spread of cells)
Anti-Tumour activity (which with the action Anti-Angiogenic above account for CBD's reputation as a potential cancer treatment).
Anxiolytic (Anxiety Relief)
Neuroprotective (protects nerve cells against damage).
Palliative benefits
That is plant power x
